
Connecting with peers, facilitating personal growth and deepening friendships through social emotional learning

New Fall Winter Sessions — September 11
current session enrollment is ongoing

Teens Meetup in Person & on Zoom

We help teens explore and improve their social interactions in fun, meaningful, and accessible ways. If you have a teen who is looking for a safe, supportive and welcoming group, we now meet each week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our supportive environment lets the teens openly converse and relate to each other about everyday social challenges at home, at school and out in their community. Our experienced Social Worker and Team relate to teens easily with activities, including group dinners, interactive team building games, visual media and role playing exercises

Teen Gatherings In PERSON
Mondays  4:00 - 5:30
Mondays  5:45 - 7:15
Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:00
Teen Gatherings On ZOOM
Wednesdays 6:15-7:15

The connection between Improv and SEL: 

  • Improv teaches active listening skills, which are crucial for effective communication. 

  • Improv encourages creative thinking and problem-solving, which can help improve social interactions. 

  • Improv teaches self-confidence and self-expression, which are key elements of healthy social interactions.

  • Improv helps with non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions.

  • Improv teaches teamwork, which is a vital part of social interaction in all areas of life.

  • Confidence Boost: Through improv, teens get to express themselves freely, boosting their confidence in social situations.
    This newfound self-assuredness makes connecting with others and speaking up. 

  • Learn to Walk in Others' Shoes: Improv encourages participants to understand different perspectives and emotions.
    By stepping into various roles, they build empathy, making friendships richer and connections deeper.

  • Quick Thinking: Improv trains young individuals to think on their feet, making conversations more exciting and fluid.
    These on-the-spot conversation skills help make and keep friends more easily. 

  • Fearless Self-Expression: Improv empowers young minds to express themselves boldly and creatively.
    This newfound courage spills over into social interactions, making for better conversations and connections.

  • Empathy: Through improv, kids and teens step into different characters, fostering empathy and understanding.
    This superpower enhances their ability to connect deeply with friends and navigate social situations with kindness.

(TNO) Teens Night Out in Person

Fridays in Fall/Winter 2023 from 5:30 - 7:30

Teen Night Out is a social time to hang out with friends and enjoy dinner, beverages, game play, conversation, music, movie highlights and more. At the Meeting House, Teens share a place to connect with peers and compare how to navigate their growing personal identity.
Click Here for more information on Teens Night Out

Special Feature: Teens Improv Squad!

A specially designed program for teens, dedicated to honing vital social and emotional skills through the art low-pressure collaborative improv games. Participants will cultivate non-verbal communication, reading social cues, expressing emotions, problem-solving skills, self-regulation, and building confidence and empathy. No previous improv experience is necessary, just a willingness to have fun and try something new.

Friendship Experience

$150 per session
Fridays 2:30 - 3:30, 3:30 - 4:30 and 4:30 - 5:30
Facilitated by Steven Rubin

Parents of Teens Support Group

Gain insight into the best practices to support your teen’s social and emotional growth.

Professional Consultation

Opportunities for social-emotional support through private consultation with one of us.


Meeting House Lounge

133 East 58th Street | Suite 704
New York, NY 10022
(917) 951-1509


Teen Sessions are Facilitated by

Steven Rubin, MSW
Steven is the current Director of The Meeting House Youth and Young Adult Programs. For the past five years, he has been the clinical social worker and the Director of Teen Programming at The Meeting House. He is a graduate of New York University with a Masters in Social Work, and also trained at The Educational Alliance, the 14th St Y and the Jewish Board for Children and Family Service. Channeling his own experiences and challenges throughout college he brings a unique lens to his work with this population.
For more information, please contact srubin@themeetinghouseafterschool.org